Concerts + Performances

Brandon has had so many great concert acts come to the Keystone Centre, while phenomenal stage performances at the WMCA have entertained audiences for decades!

Lorne Watson Recital Hall
270 - 18th Street, Brandon Map
Phone: 204-727-7388
Feast your ears on professional calibre musical performances in all genres at the Lorne Watson Recital Hall, located in the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building on the Brandon University Campus. The hall is noted for its rich, warm tone and has been specially designed for performance. Throughout the school year, it is a showcase for the talents of staff and students of BU School of Music, as well as world-class visiting musicians.

Credit: Joelynne Johnson
Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium
205 - 20th Street, Brandon Map
Phone: 204-728-9510
The WMCA is western Manitoba’s premier venue for the performing arts, hosting community productions, professional entertainers and a variety of community events. Each year, the WMCA presents professional ballet, symphony, orchestra, classical chamber music, professional musicians and comedians, community and high school theatre productions, several cultural festivals, guest lectures, conferences and much more.
Feature performances at the WMCA include Brandon University School of Music, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, and local theatre groups.